Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Flu and Being Sick

Being sick could possibly be one of the worst feelings in the world. Your nose is either stuffy or runny and nothing seems to help it. Your legs feel like Jell-o and it's hard to move. Your throat hurts and every swallow is like some kind of punishment.That pile of homework on the table? Yeah, that's left undone because your head hurts too much to think. I don't really understand why people are so happy when they are sick. Yeah, okay, so you're going to miss school. However, it's that physical and mental suffering that makes being sick not worth it.

In my opinion, the most important way to prevent the flu is to wash your hands. Always wash your hands after you use the bathroom, before you eat, after you eat. You don't know what kind of dirt and germs are on your hand, and imagine rubbing it into your eyes or putting it in your mouth! If there's no bathroom accessible, hand sanitizer also works, too!

That takes me to another precaution. Try avoiding rubbing your eyes, touching your mouth or nose, basically touching your face in general. This is a common and very easy way to transmit viruses into your body.

Covering your sneezes and coughs are also important because it helps prevent other people from getting sick. Use a tissue to blow your nose, and please, do not wipe your nose on your sleeves. Also, throw away your tissue in the trash can when your done.

One thing my mom swears by whenever someone in our family gets sick is to gargle with salt water. According to the New York Times, gargling with salt water can ease scratchy throats and chest congestion. A saline solution can draw the excess fluid from inflamed tissues in the throat, ultimately making them hurt less. Drinking a lot of water is also very important, because it keeps you hydrated.

Hopefully, following these tips can help prevent you from getting sick, and if you're already sick, I hope you feel better soon!


1 comment:

  1. Very informational! It's scary to think about all the germs living on our hands at the moment and it's nasty to think about all of that going into our bodies! Everything about getting sick is horrible, but the one good thing is being immune to it!
